
A White Oak Wander is…

A slow guided meditative walk though a beautiful space in or around Westchester County, NY. Unlike a hike, we do not have a true destination- allowing us, instead, to focus on connecting with nature, and ourselves. These one and half to two hour sensory experiences, led by Cathy Hildenbrand, are offered year round- embracing the beauty and wonder of every season.

Private Wanders

Spend restorative time in nature with your work community, family or friends

Reach out and let’s create something beautiful together

Community Wanders

Taking Time to Notice

Taking Time to Notice

Join me for a magical wander where we will allow ourselves time to just…PAUSE. It is in this slower space that we can find compassion for ourselves and take notice some of the incredible wonders around us. Come ready to open up your senses and immerse yourself in the meditative qualities of the natural world. 90 minute Wander is $30

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Tapping into May’s Energy

Tapping into May’s Energy

Take a DEEP BREATH and immerse yourself in the energy and vibrancy of Spring at its fullest. We will slow down, meditate, walk with intention in the most beautiful place and find our connections with the land around us and our spirit within. 90 minute Wander is $30

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Spring is Here

Spring is Here

Spring is such an exciting time of year. Nature is emerging, and if you pay attention, you will notice changes every single day. Tap into your inner child and take some time to connect with Nature. Allow me to guide you in approaching this season with curiosity, wonder and awe. If you have been hibernating, NOW is the time to get out there!

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Breathe Into Late Fall

Breathe Into Late Fall

The leaves are just about off the trees, the air has a bite to it and the color of the sky is filled with incredible color. Take the time to lean in to the magic of Late Fall by joining me for a meditative Wander. We will focus on embracing the transition of seasons and giving ourselves the gift of slowing down to unwind and nurture our souls.

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Mandala Making

Mandala Making

Take part in the contemplative practice of mandala making in the forest. The Mandala, from Hindu and Buddhist cultures, represents the universe in a circular pattern. The beautiful tradition of a creating a mandala becomes a peaceful meditation which results in centering and self discovery. Join me on this special outing where we will spend a good part of our time mindfully collecting and building mandalas.

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Autumn Reset

Autumn Reset

Nature has an amazing way of helping us decompress in stressful times. Join me on a Fall wander where we will walk slowly, get curious and breathe in Mother Earth’s healing energy. The trees, the sky and the light are so beautiful this time of year… immerse yourself in their glory before it all goes to rest for the Winter.

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Mother's Day Wander

Mother's Day Wander

Special Women’s Wander. Begin YOUR day by giving yourself the gift of getting outside. We will spend our time nurturing our souls, connecting with the natural world and ourselves, and refilling our vessels. Some special mothers day surprises are in store as well. This early day wander is all about you… who could be more deserving!?

This 90 minute wander is $25

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Wonders of Spring Walk

Wonders of Spring Walk

Step outside… take a deep breath… and truly melt into the heart of Spring. Join me on this meditative walk as we immerse ourselves in contemplation and connection with the natural world. There is so much magic this time of year… we merely need to slow ourselves down so that we can notice it.

This 90 minute wander is $25

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Embracing the Heart of Autumn

Embracing the Heart of Autumn

Autumn has really hit its stride by mid-October. Come immerse yourself in the vibrancy of the colors, the crispness of the air and the glory that abounds during this dynamically inspirational time of year. This meditative walk is all about taking the time the nurture yourself. So come… connect with nature and enjoy 90 minutes filled with meditation, slow wandering and plenty of time for beautiful unwinding.

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Weekend Wander: Welcoming Autumn

Weekend Wander: Welcoming Autumn

For our early October Wander, we will pay particular attention to the changes that Autumn brings with it- noting the light, the transitioning colors, the movement of the birds and other friends in the forest. By breathing in their new rhythms, we will find new rhythms, and balance, in ourselves as well. This 90 minute outing includes a sensory meditation, slow walking, nature exploration and plenty of time to just unwind and reconnect- with yourself and the natural world.

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Transitioning from Summer to Autumn

Transitioning from Summer to Autumn

Change is in the air as we approach the end of Summer. This mid September wander will focus on preparing ourselves for the seasonal transition. We will soak up the final moments of Summer and set intentions for Fall. Along the way, we will immerse ourselves in the calm that comes with early morning- surrounding ourselves in the light, sounds and energy of the new day.

This magical wander will include a guided walking experience, two beautiful meditations and plenty of time for unwinding through nature connection.

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Honoring the Summer Solstice

Honoring the Summer Solstice

Welcome in the season of summer by rambling barefoot along the trail. Take in the energy and vibrancy of the forest as we acknowledge our connection through a special solstice meditation. Bring a poem to share during our council circle.

This 90 Minute Wander is $25

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Morning Water Meditation

Morning Water Meditation

Enjoy the magic of the early morning as we sit by a pond and allow our thoughts to unfold. Take this time to listen to the birds as they settle into their late Spring rhythms. Be mesmerized by the water as it creates its own patterns. We may even be entertained by a turtle or hawk or some ducks passing by on their morning rounds.

This 90 Minute Wander is $25

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May Full Flower Moon Wander

May Full Flower Moon Wander

Join me as we celebrate the May Full Moon by wandering slowly on the trails of Gedney Park.  This is a beautiful opportunity to become more tuned in to the color, light and MAGIC of the season. We will round out our time together by creating natural mandalas out of treasures we have gathered from the trail.   Sign up HERE.

This wander is $15 and is being offered through the New Castle Recreation Department.

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May Magic Wander

May Magic Wander

Everything comes alive in early May. Celebrate the flowers and birds, colors and textures on a magical May wander. We will open up our minds and senses to the energy of the forest, set out on a slow mindful walk and connect with the land during a nature meditation.

This Wander is $15

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Earth Day Outing

Earth Day Outing

The temps are warming up and days are becoming brighter! Spend Earth Day connecting with the land. The Spring ephemerals will be our welcome mat and the birds will herald us in as we open our hearts and minds all the new life emerging. What a beautiful way to celebrate!

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Spring Wander

Spring Wander

We recently crossed over the threshold from Winter into Spring!! With this transition comes longer days, warmer temperatures and the awakening of the natural world around us. Join me as we set out on the land- moving slowly- so that we can truly take note of the early signs of the season. We will reconnect, recalibrate and take the time to honor ourselves and the new energy that surrounds us.

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  • Locations

    Locations for each wander are chosen closer to the date, taking into account the size of the group and where folks are coming from . Rest assured our destination will be convenient and special for all wanderers.

  • Fees

    Unless otherwise noted, the fee for a 90 minute to 2 hour wander is $30.

  • Etc...

    I want to acknowledge all our lives operate on different schedules. If you would like to come on a wander, but don’t see a time that works for you, allow me to create one that does. My goal is to share this experience with many people! Please reach out if you would like to discuss or have any questions.