A Mindful Walk
Cathy Hildenbrand Cathy Hildenbrand

A Mindful Walk

You pause before entering

Collect your thoughts

Take a deep inhale

And then let it all go

As you enter the forest you focus your attention on just NOTICING.

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I’m Liken’ the Lichens
Cathy Hildenbrand Cathy Hildenbrand

I’m Liken’ the Lichens

There is an old wooden bench that has been sitting by the front of my house for over 20 years. I like to sit on it and watch the birds as they swoop down to grab a snack at my feeders. In addition to being a viewing spot, my bench is also home to the lichen who have been slowly settling in there for many seasons. Do you have a bench that looks like this?

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Meditating With Nature
Cathy Hildenbrand Cathy Hildenbrand

Meditating With Nature

There is a spot- just steps from my front door- where I go outside and greet the day. I sit on a blanket, or directly on the ground, and immediately feel the earth holding space for me. Supported, I gaze up at the tree canopy and listen to the vireos and chickadees and sparrows engaging in their morning song. I breathe in the morning air and set the tone for how I will step into my day.

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