
The Story Behind White Oak Wanders

There is a beautiful old oak tree that sits at the top of one of the trails my dogs and I walk on many times every week. Over the years, I must have passed by her thousands of times but never saw that she was there. It was not until I began to slow down my pace and truly take note of my surroundings that she came into my vision. Wide canopy, massive trunk, just a glorious being. I named her Majesta. I started to spend more time with her, and we became friends. Now, when I come upon her, I greet her with a warm embrace.  I sit on her rambling roots and take comfort leaning my back up against her sturdy trunk. Our energies intertwine. I feel held.  

When I was considering a name for this guiding business, a friend asked me what or who in the natural world I connected with the most. Quite quickly I knew the answer- Trees! And specifically, a beautiful big white oak. I immediately trekked in to talk to Majesta about this. I sat with her for a while and asked if she would partner with me in this endeavor. I felt the energy of her blessing.  

And so… White Oak Wanders.

Research shows that visiting a forest has real, quantifiable health benefits, both mental and physical. Being amongst the trees reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and improves mood. We become curious and engaged. And when we do so, we begin to understand the reciprocal relationship we have with our natural surroundings. This practice has had a profound impact on me. My hope with White Oak Wanders is that I can guide clients in an experience that will be transformative for them as well.   

Cathy Hildenbrand

The place where I live is known as Shapequa by the Wappinger people who inhabited the land for thousands of years and whose spirit still remains. Shapaqua translates roughly to “the place where nothing is heard but the rustling of the wind in the leaves.” The nature connection work I do honors them and their reverence for the land and all the forces and beings that coexist on it. This deeper insight into what has been here long before us has helped me to understand the importance of our relationship with the trees and plants, the birds and critters, the sun, the moon and the seasonal cycles. White Oak Wanders is motivated by this and my hope is that I can guide others to deepening their connections through beautiful and impactful experiences.

What else can I tell you about me…

I am a certified Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide. I am happiest when I am outside. I love to hike, often with my dogs, and have recently become fascinated with planting natives in my garden. I became incredibly curious about trees and birds and plants so I embarked on an Urban Naturalist certification through the New York Botanical Garden. I hope to complete that next year. I am passionate about learning and growing with every season.

I am also a television producer and currently run a small production company called Laylabelle Productions. But that’s a whole other story which, if interested, you can learn more about at www.laylabelleproductions.com